About Nate

Born and raised in Central Illinois, my affinity for the Chicago Cubs and Notre Dame Football began at an early age and comes from my very large extended family. Now living in Asheville, NC, the devotion to my beloved Cubbies has been passed on to my children. While still considered a "Yankee" by my Southern friends, co-workers, and in-laws, I have developed an affinity for much of the Southern culture, particularly Southern delicacies like banana pudding, Krispy Kreme Donuts, and, of course, North Carolina barbecue.

My journey began in 2020, a time when many found themselves at home, looking for new ways to spend their time. I was no exception. With a new found passion for smoking meats and a love for bold, unique flavors, I started experimenting with various spice combinations in my own kitchen. What started as a personal hobby quickly turned into a flavorful obsession.

Sharing these spice blends with friends and family, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Everyone who tried them loved the rich, gourmet flavors and encouraged me to take my blends to the next level. Inspired by their support, Nate's Smokehouse BBQ Blends was born. No, I don't have a restaurant....yet...but the name came from the fact that my wife jokes that our back patio is now "Nate's Smokehouse".

At Nate's Smokehouse BBQ Blends, I believe that great BBQ starts with great seasoning. My handcrafted spice blends are made with the finest ingredients, carefully selected and expertly mixed to bring out the best in your BBQ dishes. Whether you're a backyard BBQ enthusiast or a professional pitmaster, my blends are designed to enhance the natural flavors of your meats and vegetables, taking your BBQ experience to new heights.

Thank you for visiting my online store. I hope you enjoy my products as much as I enjoy creating them.